Börner, A. K., Masloch, S., & Kiss, T. (2024, February 29). An integrative constraint-based account of constituent linearization in the German midfield [Conference presentation]. Workshop Constraining linearization at DGfS 2024, Bochum. Handout
Masloch, S., Poppek, J. M. & Kiss, T. (2024). Not so peculiar after all: On the normal position of arguments of German experiencer-object verbs, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 9(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.16995/glossa.10150
Masloch, S., Kiss, T. (2024, September 4). Zur Abfolge der Argumente von Experiencer-Objekt-Verben im deutschen Mittelfeld (On the serial order of arguments of experiencer-object verbs in the German midfield) [talk]. Workshop: Verbklassen – Semantik, Grammatik und ihre Interdependenzen (verb classes: semantics, grammar and their interdependencies), Passau. slides
Masloch, S. (2023, September 26). The Syntax and Semantics of German Emotion Verbs [Poster presentation]. LinPin, Essen. Poster
Börner, Alicia Katharina. 2022. Syntax und Semantik adverbialer Präpositionalphrasen im Deutschen. Empirische Untersuchungen zum Stellungsverhalten im Mittelfeld. Doctoral dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. https://doi.org/10.13154/294-9156
Kiss, Tibor, Jutta Pieper & Alicia Katharina Börner. 2022. Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers. Talk, Adverbs and Adverbials at the Form-Meaning Interface: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives (18.-20. 05. 2022, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen). Göttingen, Germany.
Masloch, S., Poppek, J. M., & Kiss, T. (2022, January 6). Two misbehaving German dative experiencer-object verbs [Conference presentation]. 15th Forum for Germanic Language Studies conference, Reading, UK. github.com/Linguistic-Data-Science-Lab/German_EO_verbs/blob/main/FGLS/Handout_FGLS_Reading.pdf
Poppek, J. M., Masloch, S. & Kiss, T. (2022). GerEO: A large-scale resource on the syntactic distribution of German experiencer-object verbs. Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), 3391–3397. aclanthology.org/2022.lrec-1.362
Börner, Alicia Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2021. The syntactic behaviour of event-external adverbial PPs in German. Talk, Workshop Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Modification (28.-30. 01. 2021, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen) Tübingen, Germany.
Masloch, S., Poppek, J. M., Robrecht, A., & Kiss, T. (2021). Syntactic Pattern Distribution Analysis of
Experiencer-Object Psych Verbs: An Annotation Manual. Studies in Linguistics and Linguistic Data Science, 4, i–51. ldsl.rub.de/media/pages/research/resources/sllds/a3914a6ac2-1640260430/sllds_4.pdf
Masloch, S. (2021). Über über und dessen Entsprechungen im Englischen [Revised Master's Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum]. Studies in Linguistics and Linguistic Data Science, 3, i–99. ldsl.rub.de/media/pages/research/resources/sllds/d4a7b8d7c2-1640260291/sllds_3.pdf
Poppek, J. M., Masloch, S., Robrecht, A., & Kiss, T. (2021). A Quantitative Approach towards German Experiencer-Object Verbs. In R. Čech & X. Chen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Quantitative Syntax (Quasy, SyntaxFest 2021) (pp. 84–94). Association for Computational Linguistics. aclanthology.org/volumes/2021.quasy-1
Börner, Alicia, Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2020. The syntax of event-internal adverbial PPs. Poster presentation, Linguistic Evidence 2020 (13.-15. 02. 2020, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen). Tübingen, Germany.
Husić, H. 2020. On Abstract Nouns and Countability. An Empirical Investigation into the Countability of Eventuality Denoting Nominals. Ph.D. Thesis. In Studies in Linguistics and Linguistic Data Science, Vol1, Bochum.
Husić, H. 2020. A vagueness based analysis of abstract nouns. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24, Universität Osnabrück.
Kiss, Tibor, Antje Müller, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld, Alicia Katharina Börner & Monika Duzy. 2020. Ein Handbuch für die Bestimmung und Annotation von Präpositionsbedeutungen im Deutschen. Studies in Linguistics and Linguistic Data Science 2. Bochum, 1-440. aufrufbar: /media/pages/research/resources/sllds/e1340ff5b1-1619619014/sllds002.pdf
Kiss, T., Pelletier, F.J. & Husić, H. (to appear). The Semantics of the Count/Mass Distinction: Recent Developments and Challenges: Cambridge University Press.
Börner, Alicia Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2019. Corpus data in experimental linguistics. In Gattnar, Anja, Robin Hörnig & Melanie Störzer (Eds.). Online Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018, Universität Tübingen, Germany,
Börner, Alicia Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2019. The syntactic behavior of event-internal adverbial PPs. Talk, 45. Generative Grammatik des Südens (19.-21. 07. 2019, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt). Frankfurt Main, Germany.
Husić , H. 2019. Countability Distinctions in Abstract Nouns. A Formal Account of the Countability of Qualities, States und Processes. Talk presented at 44. Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society. Berkeley, CA, USA.
Husić, H. & Renans, A. 2019. The definite interpretation carried by accusative is an implicature --- evidence from Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian. Talk presented at 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Universität Bremen, Germany.
Kiss, Tibor. 2019. Determiner Omission in German Prepositional Phrases. Journal of Linguistics 55 (2), 305-355. doi.org/10.1017/S0022226718000312
Husić , H. & Renans, A. 2019. The inferences of accusative and genitive in acc/gen alternation in Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian. Talk presented at Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 28, Stony Brook University, New York, USA.
Husić, H. 2018. The Count/Mass Distinction in Abstract Nouns. Talk presented at 44. Generative Grammatik des Südens. Univesität Potsdam, Germany.
Husić, H. 2018. Towards a Formal Account of the Countability of Qualities and Events. Invited Talk at the Semantic and Pragmatic Exchange Colloquium. Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
Husić, H. 2018. Towards a formal semantics of countability. Talk presented at 12. Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany.
Roch, Claudia. 2018. Kontextabhängigkeit konditionaler Interpretationen von Präpositionalphrasen. Doctoral dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. aufrufbar: hss-opus.ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/opus4/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/6112/file/diss.pdf
Kiss, Tibor, F. Jeffry Pelletier, Halima Husic & Johanna M. Poppek. 2017. Atomicity Revisited. Descrepancies in Logical Analyses of Plural Number. KU Leuven, Brussels. aufrufbar: count-and-mass.org/docs/presentation_Brussels.pdf*
Kiss, T., Pelletier, F.J., Husić, H. & Poppek, J.M. 2017. Issues of Mass and Count: Dealing with "Dual Life" Nouns. In Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computer Semantics (ACL-Sem 2017), Vancouver, Canada, 189-198. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2017Issues/starsem2017published.pdf
Roch, Claudia. 2017. When do prepositions give rise to causal inferences? Talk at the Workshop 'Linguistic Expressions and Devices that Yield the Implicature of Cause and Effect' at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference. Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Kiss, Tibor & Alicia Katharina Börner. 2016. Intuitive Ereignisinternalität trifft syntaktische Ereignis- und Prozessbezogenheit: Zur Grammatik komitativer PPen. Talk, Workshop Position und Interpretation. Syntax, Semantik und Informationsstruktur adverbialer Modifikatoren. (03.-04. 06. 2016, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen). Tübingen, Germany.
Kiss, T., Pelletier, F.J., Husić, H., Poppek, J.M. & Simunic, R.N.. 2016. A Sense-based Lexicon of Count and Mass Expressions: The Bochum English Countability Lexicon. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2016, Portorož, Slovenia, aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2016Sense-based/lrec2016.pdf
Husić, H. 2015. BECL 2.0. Department of Linguistics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. aufrufbar: prezi.com/3osztpzi_ulv/halima-husic*
Kiss, T., Pelletier, F.J. & Husić, H. 2015. Pluralia Tantum in the Real World - On the inhomogeneity of their countability classes. Talk presented at Lexical Plurals. Ghent University, Belgium
Kiss, Tibor. 2015. Models of Control. In Models of Control. (Walter de Gruyter Handbooks in Language and Communication)Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2015Models/jc21_kiss.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2015. Zum Begriff der Zählbarkeit. Journal Culinaire 21: Bienen und Honig, 123-127. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2015Zum/805264198-1590333627/jc21_kiss.pdf
Kiss, T., Husić, H. & Pelletier, F.J. 2014. The Bochum English Countability Lexicon, Distribution 2.0. Distribution notes for the BECL 2.0 release. aufrufbar: count-and-mass.org/docs/BECL_2_0_Distribution_Introduction.pdf
Kiss, Tibor & Claudia Roch. 2014. Antonymic Prepositions and Weak Referentiality. In Aguilar-Guevara, Ana, Bert Le Bruyn & Joost Zwarts (Eds.). Antonymic Prepositions and Weak Referentiality. (Linguistics Today 219), 73-100. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2014Antonymic/2976054050-1590334627/apwr.pdf
Kiss, Tibor, F.J. Pelletier & Tobias Stadtfeld. 2014 Building a Refernece Lexicon for Countability in English. In Proceedings of the LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2014Building/2695155821-1590334779/lrec_2014.pdf
Husić, H. 2013. Definition eines Goldstandards für die Präpositionalanbindung in automatisierten Dependenzgrammatiken, Abschlussarbeit an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Roch, Claudia. 2013. Influence of modality markers on the conditional interpretation of the German preposition 'ohne'. In Portner, Paul, Aynat Rubinstein & Graham Katz (Eds.). Proceedings of the IWCS 2013 Workshop on Annotation of Modal Meanings in Natural Language (WAMM), Potsdam, Germany, 33-37. aufrufbar: aclweb.org/anthology/W13-0305
Kiss, Tibor & Tobias Stadtfeld. 2012. EXCOTATE: An Add-on to MMAX2 for Inspection and Exchange of Annotated Data. Mumbai, India, aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2012EXCOTATE/1126771333-1590336178/excotate.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2012. Reflexicity and Dependency. Linguistische Arbeiten 547, 155-185. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2012Reflexicity/2114493511-1590336279/refdep.pdf
Müller, Antje, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld & Tibor Kiss. 2012. The Annotation of Preposition Senses in German. In Stolterfoht, Britta & Sam Featherston (Eds.). Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory. 63-82. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. aufrufbar: /media/pages/research/publications/Mueller2012Annotation/dd1babeefc-1619619014/lingevidence_neu.pdf
Kiss, Tibor, Antje Müller & Claudia Roch. 2011. On Adverbial Complements in German. In Conference on Explorations in Syntactic Government and Subcategorisation, Cambridge, UK. aufrufbar: /media/pages/research/publications/Kiss2011On/359c348b3d-1619619014/adverbial_compl.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2011 Reconstituting Grammar: Hagit Borer's Exoskeletal Syntax. A Review article, aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2011Reconstituting/borer_2005.pdf*.
Müller, Antje, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld & Tibor Kiss. 2011. Annotating Spatial Interpretations of German Prepositions. In O'Conner, Lisa (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 459-466. aufrufbar: ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6061501
Kiss, Tibor. 2010. Bedingungen für den Wegfall eines Artikels: Distribution und Interpretation von Präposition-Nomen-Kombinationen. In Engelberg, Stefan, Anke Holler & Kristel Proost (Hrsg.), Bedingungen für den Wegfall eines Artikels: Distribution und Interpretation von Präposition-Nomen-Kombinationen. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter Verlag. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2010Bedingungen/kiss_ids_2010.pdf
Kiss, Tibor, Katja Keßelmeier, Antje Müller, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld & Jan Strunk. 2010. A Logistic Regression Model of Determiner Omission in PPs. In Huang, Chu-Ren & Dan Jurafsky (Eds.). Coling 2010: Posters, Beijing, China, 561–569. aufrufbar: aclweb.org/anthology/C10-2064
Müller, Antje, Olaf Hülscher, Claudia Roch, Katja Keßelmeier, Tobias Stadtfeld, Jan Strunk & Tibor Kiss. 2010. An Annotation Schema for Preposition Senses in German. In Xue, Nianwen & Massimo Poesio (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, 177-181. aufrufbar: aclweb.org/anthology/W10-1827
Müller, Antje, Katja Keßelmeier, Claudia Roch, Jan Strunk, Tobias Stadtfeld & Tibor Kiss. 2010. Creating a Feature Space for the Annotation of Preposition Senses in German, aufrufbar: /media/pages/research/publications/Mueller2010Creating/f5a453454f-1619619014/le10-booklet3.pdf*.
Roch, Claudia. 2010. Entwicklung eines Annotationsschemas für Präpositionsbedeutungen. B.A. thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Roch2010Entwicklung/roch2010entwickllung.pdf
Roch, Claudia, Katja Keßelmeier & Antje Müller. 2010. Productivity of NPN sequences in German, English, French, and Spanish. In Pinkal, Manfred, Ines Rehbein, Sabine Schulte im Walde & Angelika Storrer (Eds.). Semantic Approaches in Natural Language Processing: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Natural Language Processing, Saarbrücken, Germany, 157-161. aufrufbar: universaar.uni-saarland.de/monographien/volltexte/2010/12/pdf/konvens_2010.pdf
Keßelmeier, Katja, Tibor Kiss, Antje Müller, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld & Jan Strunk. 2009. Mining for Preposition-Noun Constructions in German. In Sahlgren, Magnus & Ola Knutsson (Eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in NLP at the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, Odense, Denmark. aufrufbar: diva-portal.org/smash/get/FULLTEXT01.pdf/diva2:1042602
Kiss, Tibor. 2009 Technische Zugänge zum Wesen der Sprache. Vom Nutzen der Computerlinguistik für die Linguistik. In Anderlik, H. & K. Kaiser (Hrsg.), Technische Zugänge zum Wesen der Sprache. Vom Nutzen der Computerlinguistik für die Linguistik. 238-242. Dresden, Germany: Sandstein Verlag. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2009Technische/4292353076-1590336410/sprache_deutsch_tk.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2008 Towards a Grammar of Preposition-Noun Combinations. In Müller, Stefan (Eds.). The Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Stanford, 116-130. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2008Towards/prepnoun.pdf
Dömges, Florian, Tibor Kiss, Antje Müller & Claudia Roch. 2007. Measuring the Productivity of Determinerless PPs. In Costello, Fintan, John Kelleher & Martin Volk (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fourth ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions, Prague, Czech Republic, 31-37. aufrufbar: aclweb.org/anthology/W07-1605
Kiss, Tibor. 2007. Produktivität und Idiomatizität von Präposition-Substantiv-Sequenzen. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 26 2, 317-345. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2007Produktivitaet/zfs_neu.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2007. Review of Seuren 2004: Chomsky's Minimalism. Linguistische Berichte 211, 357-362. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2007Review/minimalism_chomsky.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2006. Abseits von Welt und Sprecher - die moderne Linguistik. In Glei, R. F. (Hrsg.), Abseits von Welt und Sprecher - die moderne Linguistik. (Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium): 72 , 193-215. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.
Kiss, Tibor. 2006 Do we need a grammar of irregular sequences?. In Butt, M. (Eds.). Proceedings of KONVENS 2006, Konstanz, 64-70. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2006Do/konvens-2006.pdf
Kiss, Tibor & Jan Strunk . 2006. Unsupervised Multilingual Sentence Boundary Detection. Computational Linguistics 32 4, 485-525. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2006Unsupervised/compling2005_ks27.01final.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2005 Semantic constraints on relative clause extraposition. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 115-132. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2005Semantic/semconst_ss.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2005. Subjektselektion bei Infinitiven. Eurogermanistik 22 aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2005Subjektselektion/kiss_grenoble.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2003 Die Genese der Ausnahmeanapher. Studien zur Deutschen Sprache, 157-188. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2003Genese/bindung.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2002 Anmerkungen zur scheinbaren Konkurrenz von numerischen und symbolischen Verfahren in der Computerlinguistik. In Willée, G., B. Schröder & H.-C. Schmitz (Hrsg.), Anmerkungen zur scheinbaren Konkurrenz von numerischen und symbolischen Verfahren in der Computerlinguistik. 163-171. St. Augustin: Gardez Verlag. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2002Anmerkungen/fs_lenders.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2002 Phrasal typology and the interaction of topicalization, wh-movement and extraposition. In Kim, J.B. & S. Wechsler (Eds.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Stanford, 109-128. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2002Phrasal/hpsg02.pdf
Kiss, Tibor & Jan Strunk . 2002 Scaled log likelihood ratios for the detection of abbreviations in text corpora. In Tseng, S.-C. (Eds.). Proceedings of COLING 2002, Taipeh, 1228-1232. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2002Scaled/abbrev.pdf
Kiss, Tibor & Jan Strunk . 2002 Viewing sentence boundary detection as collocation identification. In Busemann, S. (Eds.). Konvens 2002 Tagungsband, Saarbrücken, Germany, 75-82. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2002Viewing/07v-kiss.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2001 Anaphora and Exemptness. A comparative treatment of anaphoric binding in German and English. In Flickinger, D. & A. Kathol (Eds.). The Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar., 182-197. aufrufbar: cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/1/hpsg00kiss.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 2001. Configurational and Relational Scope Determination in German. , 141-175. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2001Configurational/scope.pdf
Kiss, Tibor. 1995. Infinitive Komplementation. In Infinitive Komplementation. Tübingen, Germany: Niemeyer.
Kiss, Tibor, Simon Masloch & Alicia Katharina Börner. (Unpublished). Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers. LingBuzz lingbuzz.net/lingbuzz/006319
Pieper, Jutta, Alicia Katharina Börner & Tibor Kiss. (Accepted). Identifying non-cooperative participation in web-based elicitation of Acceptability Judgments - How to get rid of noise in your data. To appear in: Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science.