Jutta Pieper


GB 3/148

After finishing her Bachelor’s degree in Computational Linguistics at Heidelberg, Jutta Pieper completed her studies in Linguistics with focus on computational linguistics 2017 in Bochum.
Since 2016, she has worked there as research assistant und since 2017 as research associate at the Linguistic Data Science Lab.


Although I am primarily interested in computational linguistics, the studies of theoretical linguistics as well as the current involvement in experimental linguistics enhanced my before existing interest for these disciplines.
At the department, I am assigned to the project “Position and Interpretation of adverbials in German”. There, I am mainly occupied with the extraction of relevant data from corpora and with the development of experiments; in particular with the practical implementation. Currently, we are also working on innovative item- and latency-based strategies for the identification of uncooperative participants in web-based studies. In the long run, I am also concerned with the implementation of an annotation project regarding the issue of experimental designs. Based on those annotations, we aim at gaining new insights into dependencies between parameters of the design and the implementation of experiments respectively.
To conclude, I am happy to be able to deal with issues of computational as well as theoretical and experimental linguistics.

Machine Learning
Corpus linguistics
Experimental Linguistics
Experimental Designs
Annotation Mining
Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Annotation Tools



Kiss, Tibor, Jutta Pieper & Alicia Katharina Börner. 2022. Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers. Talk, Adverbs and Adverbials at the Form-Meaning Interface: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives (18.-20. 05. 2022, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen). Göttingen, Germany.

Börner, Alicia Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2021. The syntactic behaviour of event-external adverbial PPs in German. Talk, Workshop Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Modification (28.-30. 01. 2021, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen) Tübingen, Germany.

Börner, Alicia, Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2020. The syntax of event-internal adverbial PPs. Poster presentation, Linguistic Evidence 2020 (13.-15. 02. 2020, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen). Tübingen, Germany.

Börner, Alicia Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2019. Corpus data in experimental linguistics. In Gattnar, Anja, Robin Hörnig & Melanie Störzer (Eds.). Online Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018, Universität Tübingen, Germany,

Börner, Alicia Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2019. The syntactic behavior of event-internal adverbial PPs. Talk, 45. Generative Grammatik des Südens (19.-21. 07. 2019, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt). Frankfurt Main, Germany.

Pieper, Jutta, Alicia Katharina Börner & Tibor Kiss. (Accepted). Identifying non-cooperative participation in web-based elicitation of Acceptability Judgments - How to get rid of noise in your data. To appear in: Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science.