Dr. Claudia Roch


GB 3/153

Claudia Roch completed her doctorate at Ruhr-University in July 2018 and is now employed as a Postdoc at LDSL. Before, she obtained a B.A./M.A. degree in Computational Linguistics (and Romance Philology) and has been working as a research assistant (2006) and as a research associate later on (2012).


I’m interested in the semantics of polysemous expressions and their disambiguation. A major focus of my work has been the development of a systematic sense inventory for German prepositions.
In my dissertation I investigated conditional, causal and concessive senses and their semantic variability in connection with modality and factuality. I conducted a wide-range annotation study to model the linguistic coding of speakers’ (un-)certain attitudes towards the occurrence of a situation. In addition, I studied temporal-causal overlaps of senses that have controversial status as pragmatic inferences.
At the very center of corpus-linguistic methodology I work with annotation mining techniques investigating several annotation layers at different linguistic levels. The analyses are complemented by the use of multivariate statistic models implemented in R.
In my recent classes at the Linguistic Data Science Lab, I teach Natural Language Processing in Python, linguistic models for syntactic parsing, and Social Web Data Mining.
I’m also interested in the phenomena of bare nominals, NPN sequences, the valency of (relational) nouns, and cross-linguistic investigations in Spanish and Catalan.

semantic annotation
determiner omission
conditional, causal and concessive linguistic devices
modality and factuality
annotation mining
correspondence analysis
natural language processing

This semester

SuSe 24


Past semesters

WiSe 23/24

SuSe 23

WiSe 22/23

SuSe 22

WiSe 21/22

WiSe 20/21

  • Introduction to Linguistic Models [online course]
  • Neural Networks in Python [workshop, together with Mirjam Koch]

SuSe 20

  • NLP mit Python ('NLP in Python’) [4 SWS]

WiSe 19/20

  • Bedeutungsinventare für Präpositionalphrasen (‘Sense inventories for PPs’)
  • Modalität (‘Modality’)

SuSe 19

  • Bedeutungsdisambiguierung in der CL (‘Word sense disambiguation in the field of CL’)
  • Korrespondenzanalyse (‘Correspondence analysis’)

WiSe 17/18

  • Ansätze zur Polysemie (insb. von Präpositionen) (‘Approaches towards polysemy (with a focus on prepositions)’)

WiSe 16/17

  • Relationale Nomina (‘Relational nouns’)

WiSe 15/16

  • Kontrastive Linguistik (‘Contrastive Linguistics’)

SuSe 15

  • Bedeutungskonstituierung von Kausalzusammenhängen (‘Construction of meaning in the expression of causal relations’)

WiSe 13/14

  • Semantische Annotation (‘Semantic annotation’) [together with Antje Müller]


Kiss, Tibor, Antje Müller, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld, Alicia Katharina Börner & Monika Duzy. 2020. Ein Handbuch für die Bestimmung und Annotation von Präpositionsbedeutungen im Deutschen. Studies in Linguistics and Linguistic Data Science 2. Bochum, 1-440. aufrufbar: /media/pages/research/resources/sllds/e1340ff5b1-1619619014/sllds002.pdf

Roch, Claudia. 2018. Kontextabhängigkeit konditionaler Interpretationen von Präpositionalphrasen. Doctoral dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. aufrufbar: hss-opus.ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/opus4/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/6112/file/diss.pdf

Roch, Claudia. 2017. When do prepositions give rise to causal inferences? Talk at the Workshop 'Linguistic Expressions and Devices that Yield the Implicature of Cause and Effect' at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference. Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Kiss, Tibor & Claudia Roch. 2014. Antonymic Prepositions and Weak Referentiality. In Aguilar-Guevara, Ana, Bert Le Bruyn & Joost Zwarts (Eds.). Antonymic Prepositions and Weak Referentiality. (Linguistics Today 219), 73-100. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Kiss2014Antonymic/2976054050-1590334627/apwr.pdf

Roch, Claudia. 2013. Influence of modality markers on the conditional interpretation of the German preposition 'ohne'. In Portner, Paul, Aynat Rubinstein & Graham Katz (Eds.). Proceedings of the IWCS 2013 Workshop on Annotation of Modal Meanings in Natural Language (WAMM), Potsdam, Germany, 33-37. aufrufbar: aclweb.org/anthology/W13-0305

Müller, Antje, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld & Tibor Kiss. 2012. The Annotation of Preposition Senses in German. In Stolterfoht, Britta & Sam Featherston (Eds.). Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory. 63-82. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. aufrufbar: /media/pages/research/publications/Mueller2012Annotation/dd1babeefc-1619619014/lingevidence_neu.pdf

Kiss, Tibor, Antje Müller & Claudia Roch. 2011. On Adverbial Complements in German. In Conference on Explorations in Syntactic Government and Subcategorisation, Cambridge, UK. aufrufbar: /media/pages/research/publications/Kiss2011On/359c348b3d-1619619014/adverbial_compl.pdf

Müller, Antje, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld & Tibor Kiss. 2011. Annotating Spatial Interpretations of German Prepositions. In O'Conner, Lisa (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 459-466. aufrufbar: ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6061501

Kiss, Tibor, Katja Keßelmeier, Antje Müller, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld & Jan Strunk. 2010. A Logistic Regression Model of Determiner Omission in PPs. In Huang, Chu-Ren & Dan Jurafsky (Eds.). Coling 2010: Posters, Beijing, China, 561–569. aufrufbar: aclweb.org/anthology/C10-2064

Müller, Antje, Olaf Hülscher, Claudia Roch, Katja Keßelmeier, Tobias Stadtfeld, Jan Strunk & Tibor Kiss. 2010. An Annotation Schema for Preposition Senses in German. In Xue, Nianwen & Massimo Poesio (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, 177-181. aufrufbar: aclweb.org/anthology/W10-1827

Müller, Antje, Katja Keßelmeier, Claudia Roch, Jan Strunk, Tobias Stadtfeld & Tibor Kiss. 2010. Creating a Feature Space for the Annotation of Preposition Senses in German, aufrufbar: /media/pages/research/publications/Mueller2010Creating/f5a453454f-1619619014/le10-booklet3.pdf*.

Roch, Claudia. 2010. Entwicklung eines Annotationsschemas für Präpositionsbedeutungen. B.A. thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. aufrufbar: /media/pages/publikationen/Roch2010Entwicklung/roch2010entwickllung.pdf

Roch, Claudia, Katja Keßelmeier & Antje Müller. 2010. Productivity of NPN sequences in German, English, French, and Spanish. In Pinkal, Manfred, Ines Rehbein, Sabine Schulte im Walde & Angelika Storrer (Eds.). Semantic Approaches in Natural Language Processing: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Natural Language Processing, Saarbrücken, Germany, 157-161. aufrufbar: universaar.uni-saarland.de/monographien/volltexte/2010/12/pdf/konvens_2010.pdf

Keßelmeier, Katja, Tibor Kiss, Antje Müller, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld & Jan Strunk. 2009. Mining for Preposition-Noun Constructions in German. In Sahlgren, Magnus & Ola Knutsson (Eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in NLP at the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, Odense, Denmark. aufrufbar: diva-portal.org/smash/get/FULLTEXT01.pdf/diva2:1042602

Dömges, Florian, Tibor Kiss, Antje Müller & Claudia Roch. 2007. Measuring the Productivity of Determinerless PPs. In Costello, Fintan, John Kelleher & Martin Volk (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fourth ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions, Prague, Czech Republic, 31-37. aufrufbar: aclweb.org/anthology/W07-1605