Dr. Alicia Katharina Börner


GB 3/148

Alicia Katharina Börner is a postdoctoral researcher at LDSL. She completed her doctorate in 2022 at the Ruhr-University. Before, she gained her Master’s degree in Theoretical Linguistics at the Ruhr-University Bochum in 2015. Since 2013, she had been working in different projects at the Chair of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics and the Linguistic Data Science Lab – initially as a research assistant, and from 2015 to 2022, as a research associate.


I am interested in phenomena of the syntax-semantics-interface. Currently, a special focus lays on word order phenomena in German. I strive for an empirically adequate analysis of linguistic phenomena. To this end, I combine corpus and experimental data.
Currently, I am affiliated with project “Position and Interpretation of adverbials in German”. The acceptability rating and decision task studies as well as the resulting analysis of the syntax and semantics of adverbial PPs in German form also the core of my dissertation. As a methodological contribution to the field of experimental linguistics, we developed a novel procedure for deriving near-realistic experimental stimuli from annotated corpus data (Modified Stimulus Composition). Currently, we work on innovative item- and latency-based strategies for the identification of uncooperative participants in web-based studies.
As a research associate, I worked on preposition senses and polysemy and gained expertise in semantic annotation. This knowledge is a helpful base for my current research.
As far as teaching is concerned, I offer courses on different syntactic and semantic phenomena. Here, it is important to me to impart methodological competence and a critical view on the empirical base of linguistics.

Theoretical Linguistics
Theories of Grammar
Word Order
Experimental Linguistics
Corpus Linguistics
Semantic Annotation

This semester

SS 24

  • Advanced Course: Practical Introduction to Linguistic Experimentation


Past semesters

WS 23/24

  • Advanced Course: Intuitions in Linguistic Theorizing

SS 23

  • Advanced Course: Practical Introduction to Linguistic Experimentation

WS 19/20

  • PS: Depiktive & Adverbiale

SS 19

  • PS: Schnittstellen der Syntax

SS 17

  • PS: Adverbiale Modifikation


Börner, A. K., Masloch, S., & Kiss, T. (2024, February 29). An integrative constraint-based account of constituent linearization in the German midfield [Conference presentation]. Workshop Constraining linearization at DGfS 2024, Bochum. Handout

Börner, Alicia Katharina. 2022. Syntax und Semantik adverbialer Präpositionalphrasen im Deutschen. Empirische Untersuchungen zum Stellungsverhalten im Mittelfeld. Doctoral dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. https://doi.org/10.13154/294-9156

Kiss, Tibor, Jutta Pieper & Alicia Katharina Börner. 2022. Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers. Talk, Adverbs and Adverbials at the Form-Meaning Interface: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives (18.-20. 05. 2022, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen). Göttingen, Germany.

Börner, Alicia Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2021. The syntactic behaviour of event-external adverbial PPs in German. Talk, Workshop Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Modification (28.-30. 01. 2021, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen) Tübingen, Germany.

Börner, Alicia, Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2020. The syntax of event-internal adverbial PPs. Poster presentation, Linguistic Evidence 2020 (13.-15. 02. 2020, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen). Tübingen, Germany.

Kiss, Tibor, Antje Müller, Claudia Roch, Tobias Stadtfeld, Alicia Katharina Börner & Monika Duzy. 2020. Ein Handbuch für die Bestimmung und Annotation von Präpositionsbedeutungen im Deutschen. Studies in Linguistics and Linguistic Data Science 2. Bochum, 1-440. aufrufbar: /media/pages/research/resources/sllds/e1340ff5b1-1619619014/sllds002.pdf

Börner, Alicia Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2019. Corpus data in experimental linguistics. In Gattnar, Anja, Robin Hörnig & Melanie Störzer (Eds.). Online Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018, Universität Tübingen, Germany,

Börner, Alicia Katharina, Jutta Pieper & Tibor Kiss. 2019. The syntactic behavior of event-internal adverbial PPs. Talk, 45. Generative Grammatik des Südens (19.-21. 07. 2019, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt). Frankfurt Main, Germany.

Kiss, Tibor & Alicia Katharina Börner. 2016. Intuitive Ereignisinternalität trifft syntaktische Ereignis- und Prozessbezogenheit: Zur Grammatik komitativer PPen. Talk, Workshop Position und Interpretation. Syntax, Semantik und Informationsstruktur adverbialer Modifikatoren. (03.-04. 06. 2016, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen). Tübingen, Germany.

Kiss, Tibor, Simon Masloch & Alicia Katharina Börner. (Unpublished). Word order constraints on event-internal modifiers. LingBuzz lingbuzz.net/lingbuzz/006319

Pieper, Jutta, Alicia Katharina Börner & Tibor Kiss. (Accepted). Identifying non-cooperative participation in web-based elicitation of Acceptability Judgments - How to get rid of noise in your data. To appear in: Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science.